Course Outlines:
Module one:
Methods for Identifying Training Needs (ITN)
- The four steps of needs assessment
- Questions to ask during each phase
- Data collection template
- Data gathering: the cornerstone for ITN
- Quantitative and qualitative methods
- From interviews to focus groups
- Comparison of primary data gathering methods
- Advantages and disadvantages
- Characteristics of data gathering methods.
Module two:
Linking training needs analysis with program design and program evaluation
- Significance of instructional learning objectives
- Components and characteristics of ILOs
- Writing ILOs
- Ten lessons on how to evaluate training
- Levels of evaluation:
- Levels defined
- Preliminary evaluation information
- Chain of impact between levels
- Characteristics of evaluation levels
- An overview of ROI
- Evaluation matrix
Module Three:
Evaluation at levels I and II
- Reaction sheets
- Characteristics of a reaction sheet
- Tests: pre and post
Module Four:
Evaluation at level III: skill transfer from the workshop to the workplace
- What often happens versus what should happen
- Barriers to skill transfer
- Ways to improve skill transfer
- Responsibility for improving skills transfer
- Methods to measure transfer of learning to the job
Module Five:
Converting data to monetary value and calculating the return on investment (levels IV and V)
- Hard data
- Soft data
- Characteristics of hard and soft data
- Isolating the effects of training
- Tabulating program cost
- A practical case study on calculating ROI