Course outline:
Module One:
The War for Talent
- The Battle for Brainpower
- Talent Management as Part of a Development Culture
- The Triumph of the HR Department
Module Two:
Intangibles: The New HR Return on Investment
- Intangibles Defined
- The Rising Importance of Intangibles
- An Architecture for Intangibles
- HR’s Role in Building Organizational Capabilities
Module Three:
Proactive Talent Management
- Six HR Conditions for Organizational Success
- Defining Proactive Talent Management
- The Foundations of Talent Management
- How Talent Management is Different from Succession Planning
Module Four:
Talent Management: Problem or Solution?
- A Short Historical Perspective
- Talent Management as Part of Risk Management
- A New Framework for Talent Management
Module Five:
Creating a Talent Management System
- Four Steps to Follow
- Key Positions and Key People
- Identifying High Potentials
- The Performance Potential Grid
- The Talent Web
- Qualities of Processes Needed to Spot, Develop and Retain Excellence
- Integrating Coaching, Training and Development with Talent Management
- Optimizing Investment in People
Module Six:
Institutional Strategies for Dealing with Talent Management Issues
- Navigating the Forces Impacting Talent Management
- Institutional Strategies and Best Practices
Module Seven:
Retaining Top Talent: The Big Challenge
- Common Mistakes Made by Companies and How to Avoid Them
- Integrating Compensation with Talent Management
- Twelve Recommendations to Keep your Talented People
Module Eight:
Wrap Up: Turning your organization into a “Talent Master”
- What it Takes to Become a “Talent Master”
- Winning the War for Talent