Having a detailed understanding of financial statements is critical to assessing financial risk, and the rapid change in financial statement standards makes this a continuing challenge.
This course brings together the key elements of financial statement analysis. We help participants develop their skills, enabling them to ask the right questions and see the real risks facing businesses and investors.
The course uses the IFRS reference reporting framework. Each credit issue will be analysed from theoretical and practical perspectives, using recent market examples for learners to assess cash flow and credit implications.
The course concludes with a comprehensive case study designed to bring all the topics together in a real-world example.
This interactive Advanced Financial Statements Analysis training course will update and develop your skills of analysing financial information, business activities, and the key risks faced in today’s uncertain economic, political, and physical global business environment.
It will guide you through the key steps of analysing financial statements, evaluating new investments, and measuring the performance of your organisation.
Throughout this course, the participants will be able to relate their learning to real-world issues and problems and develop their ability to generate growth and improve profitability, as well as pinpointing problem areas for remedial action and will have the opportunity to acquire financial skills and technical knowledge that will enable them to manage more effectively.
Course Objectives:
By the end of the course, participants will be able to: